The number 432 Link to heading

Most of the following info is collected from this Youtube clip: What’s going on here?

Why we count things and how we measure them Link to heading

  • Time: 1 second, 60 seconds = a minute, 60 minutes = an hour.
    12 hours = one day. 30 days = a month. 12 months = a year.

  • Geometry: Both two- and threedimensional geometry are derived from base 60 matemathics – the 360 degree circle gives us all the angles and formulas for creating virtually every shape known.

  • Amounts: 12 eggs in a dozen, 12 months in a year, 12 inches in a foot and 12 signs of the zodiac.
    12 disciples of Jesus.

  • The 12/60 based mathematics comes from the Sumerians in Mesopotamia 5 000 years ago. They counted the knuckles on the four long fingers of the left hand (12) and multiplied that by the number of fingers of the right hand (5) – 12 x 5 = 60.

Pythagoras, numbers and music Link to heading

  • Pythagoras, 6th century B.C., found the relationship between matemathical ratios and musical intervals.

  • By using fifths and starting on note number 1 he was eventually guided to note 27.

Check out Renold I temperament Link to heading

432 Tuning Information

Check out the site Primegrid Link to heading
